Work on Stuff that Matters: Tim O'Reilly's prescription for the economy

Tim O'Reilly, the founder of O'Reilly Media and a serial entrepreneur recently gave a keynote speech at the Emerging Technology Conference on ways entrepreneurs can help bring the economy out of its current slump.

A recent blog post at VentureBeat summarized O'Reilly's prescription for the economy as follows:

  • Work on something that matters to you more than money.
  • Create more value than you capture.
  • Build a simple system and let it evolve.
  • Be friendly to those who extend your reach.
  • Be generous in supporting the work of others.

Although Kidjutsu is a relatively young company, our product and our vision were conceived and designed with essentially the same guidelines in mind.

Of course not all businesses need to follow such principles, but core values like these are what separates the Ponzi-scheme hedge funds, Washington Mutuals, and the inept credit rating agencies from the truly enduring and sustainable businesses.